Freedom of Information Act Requests & Subpoenas Duces Tecum

For assistance in filing a FOIA or subpoena electronically, please reference the How-To Guide available here:

Freedom of Information Act – How to Guide

Please be advised that GovQA is no longer compatible with certain browsers, such as older Microsoft browsers. For optimal use of this site and its features you must use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

We strongly encourage you to submit all FOIA requests through the Cook County Sheriff FOIA Request Center by clicking on the green button above labeled “Click Here for FOIA / Subpoena Requests” and following the instructions on the screen.

The Freedom of Information Act was created to ensure that public entities like the Cook County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) operate on an open and transparent level. It allows the media, commercial business, or individuals to request documents and records.

To electronically submit a Freedom of Information Act request to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, please click the link above and follow instructions. Please do the same for all Subpoena requests. This system replaces submissions via email; however, FOIA requests can still be made through standard mail to the address below:

Cook County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Freedom of Information Officer
Richard J. Daley Center
50 West Washington, Room 704
Chicago, Illinois 60602

*FOIA requests may be submitted in person to Room 701 Civil Process Division at the Daley Center.

Please note that the Sheriff’s Office is an independent entity from the Chicago Police Department (“CPD”).  To submit a FOIA request to CPD, please contact:

Chicago Police Department -Records Division
ATTN: FOIA Officer
3510 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653

Please be advised that FOIA is not the appropriate venue to obtain a complete criminal background history. In order to get a complete criminal background report you should contact the Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification at 260 North Chicago Street, Joliet, IL  60432; (815) 740-5160.

CCSO FOIA General Information

FOIA Documents Maintained by CCSO Departments

Sheriff’s Office Organizational Chart – June 2024

COOK COUNTY SHERIFF – Budget and Employment FY2024

FOIA Request Form